
NEED HELP ASAPFor a piece of 3-D artwork, Eva cut a wooden block into the shape of a triangular prism with right triangle bases. She then cut a notch in the shape of a rectangular prism that runs the full 18-cm height of the block to create a solid with the dimensions shown.What is the volume of the solid Eva created?A. 900 cubic centimetersB. 540 cubic centimetersC. 1,206 cubic centimetersD. 1,584 cubic centimeters

Accepted Solution

Answer:Option C. [tex]1,206\ cm^{3}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:we know thatThe volume of the solid Eva created is equal to the volume of the triangular prism minus the volume of the rectangular prism notchstep 1Find the volume of the triangular prismThe volume is equal to[tex]V=Bh[/tex]whereB is the area of the triangular baseh is the height of the triangular prismsubstitute[tex]V=\frac{1}{2}(12)(12)(18)=1,296\ cm^{3}[/tex]step 2Find the volume of the rectangular prism notchThe volume is equal to[tex]V=(5)(1)(18)=90\ cm^{3}[/tex]step 3Find the volume of the solid Eva created[tex]1,296\ cm^{3}-90\ cm^{3}=1,206\ cm^{3}[/tex]