
consider the geometric sequence below( shown in picture )select all functions that define the given sequence help asap please

Accepted Solution

Answer:The Option 1 and Option 4 are correct.Step-by-step explanation:The geometric sequence is:-4,-6,-9,-27/2,-81/2,....The Option 1 and Option 4 are correct.f(1) = -4. f(n) = 3/2 f(n-1)Put n=2f(2) = 3/2(f(1)f(2) = 3/2(-4)f(2) = -6So, we get the series using this formulaOption 1 is correct.Option 4 has formulaf(n) = -4 (3/2)^n-1Put n= 1f(1) = -4(3/2)^0f(1) = -4Put n = 2f(2) = -4(3/2)^2-1f(2) = -4(3/2)f(2) = -6Put n=3f(3) = -4(3/2)^3-1f(3) = -4(3/2)^2f(3) = -4(9/4)f(3)=-9So we get the series, Hence Option 4 is correct.